Additional Support

We are an inclusive, mixed ability school and we are able to cater for some special educational needs. We don’t select pupils by ability alone, although we do assess your child to make sure that they will learn happily alongside other children in School.

black dog

SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability)

Our entrance procedure will identify those needs and establish what additional provision may be needed to best support the child.

This could be small group work, 1:1 sessions or even a slightly adapted timetable to allow for additional sessions in core subjects or time to consolidate learning.

A child with special educational needs is understood to have either a learning difficulty or a disability and the child needs special educational provision to be made for them.  This is any educational provision which is additional to or different from that generally made for other children of the same age in a mainstream school.

Special educational needs are grouped under four headings;

  • Cognition and Learning (learning needs)
  • Communication and Interaction (speech, language and social interaction needs)
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Medical, Sensory or Physical Needs


EAL (English as an additional Language)

We have a number of children with EAL at Sancton Wood and we support them with 1:1 or small group sessions.  These sessions are reviewed regularly as the child’s level of support is reduced.


Further Information

For more information on our SENCo provision please contact our Special Educational Needs Coordinator: Hannah Settle (Seniors)

For information on the fees for our more specialised learning support and EAL pathways please contact our Bursar: Ellie Bullman