This year in Book Week every child in the school from Nursey to Year 10 got to go to visit Waterstones to spend their £1 World Book Day token and listen to stories and hear about new books. This is what the students thought:
My favourite bit of Book Week was visiting Waterstones, it was extraordinary as we all got to buy awesome books. First, Saskia who works at Waterstones read us some extracts of great books for our age. The stories were really good and what I got with my money was A Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Darkmouth.
The thing I liked most this week was going to Waterstones because we go to dress up and to choose our own books to buy without our parents there. I went to Waterstones with my pants on my head!
My favourite thing this week was going to Waterstones because you can buy the kind of books you want.
You can see more pictures from Book Week on our Flickr page: